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Does it come with the knight and Skeleton?

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Hi Brullov, I donated and downloaded this pack, but the character sprites are empty. I apologize if this is the wrong forum, but I couldn't find contact info. Please contact me, I am very excited to use your assets for my hobby project. ^_^ I like what I see.

UPDATE: I redownloaded the pack a day later and it was there. The issue must have been on my end. Thank you!

Can I modivy some of these assets and still use the commerciall?

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I’ve brought this pack a few years ago and I want to use it in my project now but nearly all characters animations are missing (except knight idle and walk). Is it possible to get them anywhere else ?

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Hello, just in case your missed it, the character folder is perfectly empty, I downloaded twice to make sure ^^ I don’t need it in my project though. Also, there is no tileset file, I’ll to fuse everything manually D=

Excellent background! Thanks!
I have used it in this endless runner:

Absolutely amazing asset pack, thank you so much

It's really great


The character's folder is empty


Thanks to your great assets, my first game was able to be completed. I've credited your name in the credits. The amount of support may be small, but it's my heartfelt gratitude. Please also come take a look at my game.

bro this sounds stupid as but can i try your game for free im broke as and it looks cool


Really nice pack but the knight jump animation isnt available; the folder is empty. Also it would be really nice if there was a sprite sheet for the tilesets. Otherwise Good Job!

Beautiful art! The atmosphere fit pretty well for my dungeon themed game. Feel free to try it:

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Amazing art, your animations all look super smooth and clear. The fire animation is top notch! What an awesome style you have, very inspiring.

Giving this a 5 star!


Very good!

Wonderful asset, high quality and great style!


the character is not included in the folder, looks so awesome brooooo

Top quality pack, amazing works!

Great Work!
I've used this background and some assets in my game:

Do you have the sprite sheet in one image by any chance? Putting it together is like a jigsaw puzzle! 

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sprites for character folders seem missing in download  - are those available? - skeleton, necromancer are empty - knight has idle and walk only

these are beautiful and detailed 

Wow, it looks really nice :)

Awesome pack!! I really like it, good job!

Thank you!

Interested in buying this now. 

Does it include the player or any enemies?  and if not where do I get the ones shown?

Hello, these characters were made only for demonstration.

Aw, so sad!  You did so awesome I would have bought them if they had animations.


Just purchase this pack, great job with this work!

Thank you!

i just bought days ago and everything is perfect , i must ask you , can you make the background with the moon in separated layers ?

Do you want the moon to be separated?

yes thanx, and can you expand the HUD for extra charge, i'll send you a pic on twitter how i want it to be,thanx again.

Absolutely beautiful work! I hope you continue to release asset packs!

Thank you! New asset pack coming soon. With characters :)


I will buy if this pack included player and enemies sprites.

Thanks! I will add player and enemies in my next asset packs.


I agree with Raphael, I will only buy if you add enemies, player sprites etc.

I will add in my next, better pack! :)


Beautiful work. Will there be additional enemies or player sprites added?

Thank you. Unfortunately no.